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Garage Door Repair

wd-6Typically, your garage door is pretty reliable. However, there may come a time when you need repair. If you live in the Indianapolis market or surrounding counties and need garage door repair, Environmental Insulation and Garage Door Company has you covered!

Not only do we offer prompt service, but our experts have experience working with all different types of doors. Call us at 317-247-0636 or contact us online for service!

Garage Door Service in Indianapolis & Surrounding Counties

There are a number of reasons why your garage door may need repair services. Get in touch with us if:

  • Your garage door doesn’t close or only closes partially
  • Your garage door doesn’t open or only partially opens
  • There is a loud grinding noise when your garage door opens or closes
  • Your garage door can be manually opened without using the opener or security pad
  • The motor runs but the garage door doesn’t open

wd-5Whether something is wrong with the door’s motor, springs and cables or rollers/track—or there is another issue altogether—we will determine what the problem is and fix it quickly and efficiently.

When you have a problem with your garage door, contact the team at Environmental Insulation and Garage Door Company! No matter the problem, we will work with you to find the best solution.

Products We Install
Garage Door Installation

When you turn to Environmental Insulation and Garage Door Company for garage doors, you work with a great team.

Garage Door Repair

Do you need garage door or opener repair? Our professionals can help.

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